Familiewapens op lakstempels / zegelstempels,
soms bekend, soms onbekend.
Coat of arms on wax seal stamps,
sometimes known, sometimes unknown.
Collection: Delta 98 Den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands


Recently sold by Delta 98 Den Haag: a wax seal stamp with Saint Michael slaying the dragon and the coat of arms of the family Gaultier

 a wax seal stamp with a nice story to research, 

the handle depicts 

Saint Michael vanquishing satan or St. Michael slaying the dragon.

in the Armorial General d' Hozier, Normandie, 
the coat of arms is documented as of:

Gautier - des Surcrien / de la Bediniere / des Reaux / Cure de Grandville,
Gaultier - de Launey / Vicomte de Coutances / de la Benserie, avocat du Roi,
Gauthier - de la Lande

there are branches of seigneurs de la Rideliere, de la Renardiere, de la Rousseliere and de la Huliniere

according to the Armorial de Chevillard:
seigneurs Gautier / Gaultier de Telly a Boisyvon / Boisovon, Manche, Normandy, France and de la Huliniere, Lolif, Manche, Normandy

for many branches see the 2015 essay of
Charly Guimard (genealogiste, archeologue, historien, numismate, ecrivain)
La Famille GAU(L)TIER a Trelly et Boisyvon, essai de reconstitution genealogique

the matrix shows a coat of arms with 
on azure / blue a chevron of gold / Or, accompagnied by three daggers, pointed downwards,
in French: blason de la famille Gautier / Gaultier,
d'azur au chevron d'or, accompagne de trois poignards, la pointe en bas

 further research brought us to the legend of a sculptor named Gautier / Gaultier and the Le Mont Saint Michel and Gautier 's leap - Saut Gaultier,
telling about a prisoner on Mont Saint-Michel, who escaped or leaped to his death from a terrace, see:
The prisons of Mont-Saint Michel, chapter V. - exiled messiers - a strong head: M. de Richebourg:

sold to a private collection