Unknown, but a very fun search it has been for this wax seal:
My research ends today, just because I can not identify what is on the shield.
Yes, the horizontal lines are for heraldic blue, known as azure.
Yes, as crest the same creature as on the shield, between two elephant trunks or heraldic horns.
The white metal stamp has no hall marks, so that didn't help to search within a country of origin.
I did like this find: an otter eating a shell
a this one: a mouse eating the host:
I also found at the CBG Den Haag of a wax seal of Geert Koeps, with the description:
een hondenkop (?) houdende een voorwerp in de bek (?)
translated as: a dogshead holding an item in the mouth, with questionmarks
Geert Koeps is possibly the same person as
Gerardus / Gert / Gerit / Gerardus / Gerardi / Gerhardt
Koeps / Coops / Kops
from Covorden / Coevorden / Koevorden
I did research with: kop, neus geringd, uitkomende, brakkenkop, brakshondenkop, otter, zeehond, muis, bever, buffelhoorns, trompen, Weijmar, Weimar, Wijmar, demi bear, brak, mouse, talbot, seal, elephant trunks, horns, Groningen Borgh Farmsum, Zwolle huwelijken, Trina Koeps Singraven
and much more.
text: Marx Warmerdam,
collection: delta 98 den haag